Tuesday, September 09, 2008

The home strech

As I sit here at my computer at 2:25 a.m. not able to sleep again. I know that my time of being pregnant is coming to an end and motherhood will soon begin.

This pregnancy was a breeze until the last month or so. The not being able to sleep has been the worst of it. I still am looking forward the baby arriving and knowing the not being able to sleep will continue, it will be different.

As things stand now, we have our final doctor appointment on Thursday. We will have another ultrasound just to see fetal movement and I will again be hooked up to the monitor for a non stress test.

Unless things change at this appointment we are to be at the hospital bright and early Monday to have the baby by c-section. This child has not turned and as much as I had hoped he would I just don't see it happening with his size.

We will keep everyone posted with the facts as we know them when we know them.

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