Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Tis the season

Where has the time gone. LT is now 13 weeks old. He is sleeping through the night and napping during the day.

It was just Halloween yesterday. Time just seems to fly since LT was born. We had Thanksgiving at Barrett and Angela's then on Friday I did Thanksgiving for my husbands family.

Then we had the mans birthday which included a trip to Pat's Steakhouse (his first time). It was awesome as usual. If you haven't gone, go it is the best steak in town but leave the Visa at home they still only take the green stuff and lots of it about 100 for dinner for two w/o alcohol.

Coming up for us is my birthday and Christmas. For my birthday my mom and I will make Chicken and Dumplins for the family.

Then Christmas morning I will have my husbands family out again for breakfast for the first time. This is a family tradition being passed to the next generation.

This will be LT's first Christmas, I know he won't remember and won't be able to open his own presents but I do hope he has a great first Christmas with many more to come.

Merry Christmas to all! I will see you in 2009.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Catch up

Well as you can see LT was Tigger for Halloween this year. Who knows what he will be next year. Doesn't he make a cute Tigger?

Eating and sleeping...Our doctor has us using the method from the book On Being Baby Wise. So for the past 5 weeks I have been feeding LT every 3 hours during the day. Keeping him up when I can then putting him to bed and when I can waking him up at the 3 hour mark. This is supposed to lead LT to sleeping all night. Well, I have been doing this with no success then this weekend LT becomes very fussy and stayed fussy through last night. I am talking if he was awake he was screaming and he would even cry in his sleep at times.

So last night he finally cries himself to sleep in my arms at midnight I put him to bed in his crib and I go to sleep on the couch since it is closer and I will be more likely to hear him and wake up to take care of him...but I never did hear him...he didn't wake up until 5:15! He slept all night! So I fed him a bottle and he went right back to sleep and woke up at 8:00 for his next bottle. He was up then till 10:30 then fell asleep but work up at 11:00 for his next bottle.

We won't know for sure if he is now sleeping through the nights or this was a fluke since he hadn't been sleeping well due to the fussiness. But I will keep my fingers crossed that tonight I get a repeat of last night!

Monday, September 29, 2008

He is beautiful

LT will be two weeks this Tuesday I am already wondering where the time goes. He has been so far a really good baby. Our biggest issues now is sleeping in the bassinet. He prefers his swing with the sound machine but after months of sleeping on the couch I prefer the bed.

I am on restrictions still and will be for up to six more weeks. I think I will be able to drive again in three weeks. But still after that I can't pick up anything that weighs more than LT for another three to five weeks.

I can tell you that you just never expect how much you instantly love someone. I was told it was going to be a rough delivery for LT, but when I didn't hear him cry after about 30 or so seconds I was asking if he was okay. Then when he finally did cry so did I and even though I had yet to see my little man I was already in love only to fall more in love with him when I did get to see his face.

Now I am off to see if we can get to bed if LT will sleep in the bassinet I can get a couple of hours sleep in my own bed.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

He has arrived

LT is here. He was born on September 16th at 7:58 a.m.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

The home strech

As I sit here at my computer at 2:25 a.m. not able to sleep again. I know that my time of being pregnant is coming to an end and motherhood will soon begin.

This pregnancy was a breeze until the last month or so. The not being able to sleep has been the worst of it. I still am looking forward the baby arriving and knowing the not being able to sleep will continue, it will be different.

As things stand now, we have our final doctor appointment on Thursday. We will have another ultrasound just to see fetal movement and I will again be hooked up to the monitor for a non stress test.

Unless things change at this appointment we are to be at the hospital bright and early Monday to have the baby by c-section. This child has not turned and as much as I had hoped he would I just don't see it happening with his size.

We will keep everyone posted with the facts as we know them when we know them.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

big and upside down

Had an appointment with the doctor today. The baby is now 7 pounds and breech. Which means I may end up having a C-Section.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Lake Cumberland and Baby shower and birthday

The last two weeks have been busy and tiring. At this point anything I do wears me out. For example we went to the grocery store today and after putting the groceries away and making lunch I slept for the rest of the day. Which is one of the reasons I haven't posted in a while.

Two weeks ago, the family went on a little over night trip to Lake Cumberland. We stayed at the state park lodge which was great except for their trying to charge us for a room we didn't need at the last minute then rented out. Isn't double dipping illegal in Kentucky? Hasn't that been in the news enough lately? Then on Sunday we went down to the state dock and rented a pontoon boat that at top speed went 8.5 mph and to get where we needed to go was about 15-20 miles.

We did what my dad requested where he requested it and decided to try and find a cove that we could pull in to so we could swim and fish. On the way to that cove the first tank of gas ran out and when we switched tanks the boat refused to start again. Not having a anchor for the boat we just drifted to the side of the lake in not a great spot couldn't fish or really swim.

Good thing the cell phones worked so we could call the dock and tell them we were stranded. They said the mechanics were out on another run and would get to us shortly. After hour one stranded we called again where are they we asked? They are on their way. We were told. Well an hour and 15 minutes later they showed up. Twenty minutes later they had the boat running. Water in the gas go figure.

So at 7 or so we got back to the dock. My mom put me in the car and we took off because I was severly swollen and tired and sun burned. My sister was paying for the boat or so I thought...turns out she was complaining about the boat and the wait for assistance since she had a pregnant woman and a child on board. Oh and we really had no food. We did have pretzels and chips and the required cheese puffs but no "real food".

Turns out we got the boat for half price for our inconvience. You go sister!

Then this past weekend was my baby shower. I had a great time. I was greatful for everyone who attended and we got lots of great stuff for the baby. Many thanks to Paige, Mom, Angela and Leslie for all their efforts to make it a great day!

On Sunday for Kadens Birthday. The big number 2 for him. I think he had a great time with the dump truck Bobo got for him. It was big enough for him to sit in and be pushed around. And for him to play with in the big dirt pile next door.

Be sure to check out the pictures on my flickr for all of these events.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Say goodbye to the bed

Okay it is offical. I am no longer able to sleep in my bed. I am now in my leather recliner and am able to sleep somewhat comfortably.

I also now have strep throat and a rash to go with it. And all I have to say is the Benedryl I am taking is allowing me to get lots of needed rest.

Monday, August 04, 2008

The last year...

A year ago I stopped writing here and didn't know if I would ever again.

On August 4th of last year the last paragraph of the last post I wrote was:

"I love my dad and will miss him each and every day that I am alive. I will also be sure that my future children will know their "Poppy" through me and my memories of him."

When I was woken up the morning of August 5th. My dad was gone.

Today has been hard just reliving the memories of those days and I know tomorrow won't be much easier.

While I know my dad isn't here on earth with me I know that he has been watching me this past year. As I grow with my first child and his third grandchild I know that this son of mine will know through stories and photos about his Poppy Tom.

I think he also had a bit of a hand in the timing of this pregnancy. I think he knew the entire family would need something happy to look forward to during this past year and the days ahead.

On August 10th my father would have been 62. On this day my mother, sister (and family), brother and I will be on a boat at dads favorite spot on Lake Cumberland to scatter the first half of his ashes.

I will tell you about the second half of his ashes when the time comes.

Please keep my family in your thoughts and prayers as we travel this weekend to do part of what my father requested.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Bed Rest then sickly

Right after bed rest concluded both of us came down with sinus infections. While the man is well on his way to recovery I am still feeling my sinus infection. I hope to beat this thing in a day or two.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Bed rest has concluded

I am now off bed rest. I am very glad that is finished and hope that I will not have to do it again.

I now have a sinus infection and have not been sleeping well due to that.

And now since you know it all and all my erronds are done for the day, I am headed back to the couch!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Bed Rest

I have been on bed rest since Friday afternoon. It will end when I wake up on Tuesday morning... I am really restless but for now the story.

Last Tuesday I started having some pains in my belly. Since they weren't very bad and in no way consistant I just kind of let it go. I told the man about it on Wednesday and has some pains during the day and a few that night. Thursday came around and basically the same thing. But the man made me promise that if/when they came back I would call the Doctor. I did and they said we will see you tomorrow but if you have more pain go to labor and delivery. We I had just a few pains and not very strong so I waited it out.

On Friday morning I went into the doctor. She said "sometimes it is the ligaments that hold your uterus in place and sometimes it is nothing that they can find but you do have some Fibroid Tumors and it could also be that." So she wanted another ultrasound and the bad thing with this was that there tech was off so they had to find someplace else that would take me on such short notice. They did find someplace and we went to the appointment and when the tech put the ultrasound on she said "this is where you are feeling the pain, isn't it? This is one of your Fibroids."

So when this tech was done she went to her doctor to tell him the results he decided he wanted to see it live for himself so now I got Ultrasound number 2. He confirmed the same thing that the tech did, it was the tumor.

We then went home waited the hour and called my doctor. She said the report should be on my fax let me call you right back. Wow she did. She confirmed what the other doctor told us and that I also needed to reduce one of my medications and she wanted me to be on bed rest through Monday.

Just to be sure we don't cause any harm to the baby, who by the way is very active.

You dream of days you can just say in bed and not have to do anything, no dishes, no cleaning, no laundry...but when someone tells you you have to be in bed...it takes all the fun out of it.

I will be thrilled come Tuesday morning. And then even happier come Wednesday when we go to see the doctor again.

Monday, July 07, 2008

We are getting closer

baby july
Originally uploaded by acapellagirl3.
Last week just before the 4th of July holiday I had another ultrasound. This is just one of several pictures we got from this appointment. The baby appears to be doing well. He, yes he is still a he is about 3 pounds now which puts him in the 68th percentile. He is also in a breech position now which I am so ready for him to turn. My bladder can't take too much more. Neither can our water bill...

I hope everyone had a wonderful and safe 4th.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

How old do I look???

Okay, it has taken me 5 days to calm down from this to look back and think, it could have been funny...if it had happened to someone else.

Last Thursday I went to one of the local nail salons here in town to get a pedicure. I walked in behind three other women who were in town for a wedding that weekend. So immediately I start thinking maybe I should try the other place in town or just put this off for another day. All the techs are busy and with three people in front of me it is going to take more than an hour to get to me. But no I sign in and take a seat and pull out my book and mind my own business.

Finally, they tell me they are ready for me. I take a seat in the chair and this tech is not one of the familiar ones to me but oh well. I take a seat and I can't get the massage part of the chair to work and notice that the wires are a bit loose so I figure it is no longer working since the tech didn't even try to turn it on for me.

The women who came in before me are chatting around me and when I am about 1/2 way done with my pedicure the tech pipes up and askes me if the 20 something sitting to my right getting her nails done is my daughter. So I look at her and look back at the tech and say, "No, I am not old enough to be this woman's mother, oh and by the way if you couldn't tell I am currently pregnant with my first child." This comment completely surprises all the techs in the place. The next thing you hear is the four Korean nail techs say at once, "You are pregnant?"

So I was at a loss for really what to say at this point...but if I could go back and relive the moment I would say in the style of the Soup Nazi, "No tip for you!" Oh and I think that next time I want my nails done I will try the other nail salon in town.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

no news is good news

Well really I have been sleeping so much I haven't had much time for the computer lately..

I did not get the "shot" at my last appointment with the Doctor. That will come with my next appointment. I did however get the glucose test which has turned out fine.

The baby is moving around a lot these days. Today he tried to go in a direction that he no longer fits so that was a tad uncomfortable.

Since I can no longer reach my feet I hope to get to the nail salon to get a pedicure a little spoiled I know.

I must say take care to lots of friends who will be flying out of the ville on Wednesday headed to San Jose. Don't have too much fun.. And I hope the bosses don't keep you up to late each night this time around.

Need to shout out a happy birthday to the big sis. Saturday is the big day!

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Baby update

We recently had our monthly appointment to check on my health, the baby and our monthly question and answer session.

My blood pressure is a little high. Not worrysome just slightly elevated. But other than that everything is looking good. The one bit on news I got that I wasn't really expecting or very happy about is that I am going to be induced a little early. This is due to the shots I have been getting every day. I have to be off of them for a few days before I can have the baby but they don't want me off of them for too long so the Doc will tell me when we will be doing the induction and when I need to stop the injections.

I am now starting bi-weekly appointments with the doctor.

The baby is getting more active every day. Kicking and punching etc. Just wish he would stay off moms bladder.

No really, so far in this pregnancy has been great. Other than still being tired I am doing really well. I still really like being pregnant. I do look forward to meeting the little guy.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Where does the time go?

The nursery is now 99.9 percent complete. Everything is there, well except for a baby...all the decorations and furniture are in the room. The one thing left is for the curtains to be hemmed. Leslie made the curtains for me for which once again I am greatful.

I have now finished all the classes that I wanted to take before the baby arrives. I am glad I got to take them all. Each one seemed very valuable and informative.

I am really enjoying this time before the baby comes. I am getting to know the neighbors better and quickly gaining new friends.

My only wish is that tonight I can get a good nights sleep. But you know what...I can get those again in about 18 years...

Thursday, May 15, 2008

It's a boy

baby boy mulhall may 2
Originally uploaded by acapellagirl3.
It's official. We are having a boy.

Boy or girl

In the morning we go for the ultrasound that will tell us if we are having a boy or girl. I am looking forward to finding out. I haven't been too worried or at least I thought I wasn't. Here it is just after 3 a.m. and I still have not fallen asleep. Oh well I guess I will catch up sometime tomorrow.

I have laid down in bed and on the couch and just nothing is really comfortable tonight. And also the baby picked tonight to be up and kicking mom. This is good and bad. Bad it also kept me from sleeping good that this was the first time I actually felt a kick from the outside not just some mysterious movement inside me.

Also for those of you who know about my nephew Kaden and his struggles since birth, he had a successful surgery yesterday and they think they will have to do a bladder surgery on him but not for another year. So all in all good news.

Monday, May 12, 2008


Originally uploaded by acapellagirl3.
Here I am sitting in my new chair in our newly painted and bordered nursery. You really can't see it but this picture was taken just after we finished putting together the crib that is just to my right. The walls have been painted a great green and the border hung. We still have the dresser/changing table in my mother's van. It was too heavy for my mother and aunt to carry and the man can't do it by himself. So we are waiting until the man and a neighbor can get together to do it. I am hopeful for tomorrow.

Bored yet?

No. I am not bored. In order to be bored I would need to have nothing to do. The man and I have been busy working on the house and working on the nursery.

I am keeping my famous lists and doing items on the list a day. So we are keeping busy.

This week will continue to be busy. My nephew will have surgery on Wednesday so I will be at the hospital with my family. On Thursday is the famous ultrasound. We hope to find out what the baby will be boy or girl...any early guesses?

Oh and the man did something really special for me on Sunday. I got a mom to be card. It was really sweet!

Sunday, May 04, 2008

The first week

Well the first week has passed since I "retired". And no I am not bored. Last week was pretty full.

Last weekend we got what will be the nursery cleaned out of all the stuff that was in there. I have been cleaning the room and getting it ready to be painted. Which my husband will do next weekend while I stay with his parents.

We did have our 5 month check up with the doctor last week also. The doctor was not able to find the heart beat so a portable ultrasound was brought into the room and we were able to see the baby again. We go back on the 15th for the ultrasound that will tell us what the baby is...boy or girl..

We did make a run on Friday to Babysrus to pick out our theme for the nursery so we were positive that we had picked out the right paint color. And if you know me, you know we are going with the Pooh and friends theme. We did however choose the more old fashion looking Pooh theme rather than the newer Pooh with all the bright colors.. The walls will be bright enough.

This upcoming Monday I will begin the first of four classes which will help prepare me for the birth. I will also spend time continuing to prepare the nursery for painting and decorating. I will also be going with my in laws to purchase the furniture for the room.

So as you can see I am keeping my self busy until September. And oh by the way my house is cleaner than it has been in months....

Friday, April 18, 2008

Earthquakes and tornados

At 5:36 this morning I was woken up by both my dog and the earthquake that was felt here in the ville. At the time I wasn't sure what was happening. I got up and took the dog out and my neighbor happened to be on his porch so the dog started to bark at him...so inside we went.

When the man got home he said so the earthquake did wake you up.

My response to this was yes it and the dog. But I was thinking that I had still been waking up and the shaking I was feeling must just be in my head or something. So he confirmed for me that I wasn't crazy.

Now for the crazy coincidence part of this. When my mother was pregnant with me, her first child, the tornados of April 1974 happened. Now I am pregnant with my first child and the earthquake of April 2008 happens.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

The baby is normal

Tuesday I had some blood taken to test the baby for Down Syndrome. I got a call this morning and the nurse told me that everything is normal.

Good news for Baby M.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Good news

Today I turned in my letter of resignation. It was a hard thing to do as it turns out. I feel terribly guilty about leaving. I am a little worried about not having a job. But wait I will have one soon. I am going to be mom. So before that happens there is a ton of things that need to get done around this house. So that will be my job starting April 28, 2008.

Baby news

Originally uploaded by acapellagirl3.
I am 14 weeks along. And yesterday we heard the heartbeat. My health is great so far and both of us are right on schedule.

Well Done!

Originally uploaded by acapellagirl3.
This past weekend I went to the Trimble County Middle School for a 4H competition. My Niece Zoe competed giving a speech about Guide Dogs. Zoe won in her age group again and will be going to the state competition this summer. She did a wonderful job and I am very proud of her.

The Florida Food Tour

Since we have been home from our trip to Florida. We have been refering to it as The Florida Food Tour. Each morning I would wake up and say "honey, I'm hungry, I am going downstairs to breakfast. Do you want to go?" Some mornings he said yes some no. Then at around 11:30 "Honey, I'm hungry." And off to lunch we would go. Then six rolls around "Honey, I'm hungry." And off to dinner we would go. This is how most days on our trip went. Plus the snacks we purchased to keep in the room for me to nibble on.

Now you would think that I gained weight with all that eating wouldn't you. Well no actually. I lost two pounds. My husband however gained five. He thinks this is terribly unfair.

But let me explain further. When we go eat these days I am only able to eat about 1/2 to 1/3 of a meal. Then about an hour or two later I am ready for a snack. So I am eating more often. But I am not going to less food. I guess the baby and I are using more calories than I take in.

Unlike my co-worker Dana I didn't take any pictures of my meals but I did take lots pictures while we were in Florida. They are out there on my flickr.

Saturday, March 29, 2008


Originally uploaded by acapellagirl3.
We arrived home yesterday to cold cloudy weather. I already miss Florida. It was great to look out the window and see the ocean and the boats and know that it was nice and warm out there. Back to reality now.

We were thrilled to get back home to the dog. We both missed her terribly. But I am already ready to go back to Florida since I hate the cold weather.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Well we can say for the most part our vacation has been sunny. But it has been chilly. Not as cold as it is at home. But too cool to be on the beach for me. I have had one beach afternoon so far. Looks like it will warm up for tomorrow.

We had our first anniversary yesterday. It was a good day for us. We went to the Clearwater aquarium and had a really good dinner. The first good meal I have had down here.

Tonight we are going to Belleair Beach and meeting my aunt, cousin and her son for dinner and a reunion of sorts.

Tomorrow we go to Seminole and see my brother-in-law and his kido's for dinner at their place down here.

We are having a nice relaxing time down here. Just ready for that northern wind to change to a southern wind.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I have to do what???

Yesterday I went to a Maternal Fetal Specialist just to be sure with my history of blood clots and my sisters problems when she was pregnant that I wouldn't have any similar issues.

The appointment went well. Everything seems to be moving along smoothly at this point the baby had a heart beat of 187 which is normal.

The Specialist did say that due to my history that she would like to see me taking Heprin or Lovanox for the remainder of the pregancy.

So say that do you know what I have to do now twice a day??? I have to inject myself in the belly...

I did also get another ultrasound done yesterday but the one picture I got is worse than the one I got 3 weeks ago. So I guess everyone will have to wait until the 20 weeks ultrasound to see another picture. And then we will know what gender the baby will be.

Also the news with the first ultrasound changed my due date to September 27th. Which means today I am 8 weeks and 4 days.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

New Chapter

As most of you know my father did pass away on August 5th. Which is why I have not been blogging. I have been trying to close that chapter of my life and begin a new.

I have been given good reason to do that in the past several days. On Friday January 18 I discovered I was pregnant with our first child. I have since been to see the Doctor and found out that I am now 5 weeks pregnant (as of January 22) which means our little bundle of joy should arrive around September 24th.

So far I have only been very fatigued, had several headaches and heartburn. But that is much better than having morning sickness.

I will be having my first ultrasound on February 4th and I will share those pictures as soon as I can.