Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy 2009

The end of 2008 saw me taking the man to the ER on Christmas night with a stomach bug then me getting the stomach bug and sending LT off to Aunt Paige's for two days. My first time away from my son and it was for two days man I was bummed.

LT made out like a bandit for Christmas. Toys, clothes he got it all. I think his favorite so far is the bouncing Tigger.

The other who made out like a bandit this year was Vivian. Poor thing didn't know who or what to play with first on Christmas. I had gotten her a bunch of toys and chewies. Then the Mulhall family comes over and she has more people to play with and more toys to choose from. You can see her in the background of the LT picture, being the every vigilant protector of LT while playing with one of those new toys.

Here's wishing you all a very happy 2009.