big and upside down
Had an appointment with the doctor today. The baby is now 7 pounds and breech. Which means I may end up having a C-Section.
Random thoughts from a Kentucky girl
Had an appointment with the doctor today. The baby is now 7 pounds and breech. Which means I may end up having a C-Section.
Posted by
10:42 PM
The last two weeks have been busy and tiring. At this point anything I do wears me out. For example we went to the grocery store today and after putting the groceries away and making lunch I slept for the rest of the day. Which is one of the reasons I haven't posted in a while.
Two weeks ago, the family went on a little over night trip to Lake Cumberland. We stayed at the state park lodge which was great except for their trying to charge us for a room we didn't need at the last minute then rented out. Isn't double dipping illegal in Kentucky? Hasn't that been in the news enough lately? Then on Sunday we went down to the state dock and rented a pontoon boat that at top speed went 8.5 mph and to get where we needed to go was about 15-20 miles.
We did what my dad requested where he requested it and decided to try and find a cove that we could pull in to so we could swim and fish. On the way to that cove the first tank of gas ran out and when we switched tanks the boat refused to start again. Not having a anchor for the boat we just drifted to the side of the lake in not a great spot couldn't fish or really swim.
Good thing the cell phones worked so we could call the dock and tell them we were stranded. They said the mechanics were out on another run and would get to us shortly. After hour one stranded we called again where are they we asked? They are on their way. We were told. Well an hour and 15 minutes later they showed up. Twenty minutes later they had the boat running. Water in the gas go figure.
So at 7 or so we got back to the dock. My mom put me in the car and we took off because I was severly swollen and tired and sun burned. My sister was paying for the boat or so I thought...turns out she was complaining about the boat and the wait for assistance since she had a pregnant woman and a child on board. Oh and we really had no food. We did have pretzels and chips and the required cheese puffs but no "real food".
Turns out we got the boat for half price for our inconvience. You go sister!
Then this past weekend was my baby shower. I had a great time. I was greatful for everyone who attended and we got lots of great stuff for the baby. Many thanks to Paige, Mom, Angela and Leslie for all their efforts to make it a great day!
On Sunday for Kadens Birthday. The big number 2 for him. I think he had a great time with the dump truck Bobo got for him. It was big enough for him to sit in and be pushed around. And for him to play with in the big dirt pile next door.
Be sure to check out the pictures on my flickr for all of these events.
Posted by
9:35 PM
Okay it is offical. I am no longer able to sleep in my bed. I am now in my leather recliner and am able to sleep somewhat comfortably.
I also now have strep throat and a rash to go with it. And all I have to say is the Benedryl I am taking is allowing me to get lots of needed rest.
Posted by
9:41 PM
A year ago I stopped writing here and didn't know if I would ever again.
On August 4th of last year the last paragraph of the last post I wrote was:
"I love my dad and will miss him each and every day that I am alive. I will also be sure that my future children will know their "Poppy" through me and my memories of him."
When I was woken up the morning of August 5th. My dad was gone.
Today has been hard just reliving the memories of those days and I know tomorrow won't be much easier.
While I know my dad isn't here on earth with me I know that he has been watching me this past year. As I grow with my first child and his third grandchild I know that this son of mine will know through stories and photos about his Poppy Tom.
I think he also had a bit of a hand in the timing of this pregnancy. I think he knew the entire family would need something happy to look forward to during this past year and the days ahead.
On August 10th my father would have been 62. On this day my mother, sister (and family), brother and I will be on a boat at dads favorite spot on Lake Cumberland to scatter the first half of his ashes.
I will tell you about the second half of his ashes when the time comes.
Please keep my family in your thoughts and prayers as we travel this weekend to do part of what my father requested.
Posted by
10:55 PM