Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Where does the time go?

The nursery is now 99.9 percent complete. Everything is there, well except for a baby...all the decorations and furniture are in the room. The one thing left is for the curtains to be hemmed. Leslie made the curtains for me for which once again I am greatful.

I have now finished all the classes that I wanted to take before the baby arrives. I am glad I got to take them all. Each one seemed very valuable and informative.

I am really enjoying this time before the baby comes. I am getting to know the neighbors better and quickly gaining new friends.

My only wish is that tonight I can get a good nights sleep. But you know what...I can get those again in about 18 years...

Thursday, May 15, 2008

It's a boy

baby boy mulhall may 2
Originally uploaded by acapellagirl3.
It's official. We are having a boy.

Boy or girl

In the morning we go for the ultrasound that will tell us if we are having a boy or girl. I am looking forward to finding out. I haven't been too worried or at least I thought I wasn't. Here it is just after 3 a.m. and I still have not fallen asleep. Oh well I guess I will catch up sometime tomorrow.

I have laid down in bed and on the couch and just nothing is really comfortable tonight. And also the baby picked tonight to be up and kicking mom. This is good and bad. Bad it also kept me from sleeping good that this was the first time I actually felt a kick from the outside not just some mysterious movement inside me.

Also for those of you who know about my nephew Kaden and his struggles since birth, he had a successful surgery yesterday and they think they will have to do a bladder surgery on him but not for another year. So all in all good news.

Monday, May 12, 2008


Originally uploaded by acapellagirl3.
Here I am sitting in my new chair in our newly painted and bordered nursery. You really can't see it but this picture was taken just after we finished putting together the crib that is just to my right. The walls have been painted a great green and the border hung. We still have the dresser/changing table in my mother's van. It was too heavy for my mother and aunt to carry and the man can't do it by himself. So we are waiting until the man and a neighbor can get together to do it. I am hopeful for tomorrow.

Bored yet?

No. I am not bored. In order to be bored I would need to have nothing to do. The man and I have been busy working on the house and working on the nursery.

I am keeping my famous lists and doing items on the list a day. So we are keeping busy.

This week will continue to be busy. My nephew will have surgery on Wednesday so I will be at the hospital with my family. On Thursday is the famous ultrasound. We hope to find out what the baby will be boy or girl...any early guesses?

Oh and the man did something really special for me on Sunday. I got a mom to be card. It was really sweet!

Sunday, May 04, 2008

The first week

Well the first week has passed since I "retired". And no I am not bored. Last week was pretty full.

Last weekend we got what will be the nursery cleaned out of all the stuff that was in there. I have been cleaning the room and getting it ready to be painted. Which my husband will do next weekend while I stay with his parents.

We did have our 5 month check up with the doctor last week also. The doctor was not able to find the heart beat so a portable ultrasound was brought into the room and we were able to see the baby again. We go back on the 15th for the ultrasound that will tell us what the baby is...boy or girl..

We did make a run on Friday to Babysrus to pick out our theme for the nursery so we were positive that we had picked out the right paint color. And if you know me, you know we are going with the Pooh and friends theme. We did however choose the more old fashion looking Pooh theme rather than the newer Pooh with all the bright colors.. The walls will be bright enough.

This upcoming Monday I will begin the first of four classes which will help prepare me for the birth. I will also spend time continuing to prepare the nursery for painting and decorating. I will also be going with my in laws to purchase the furniture for the room.

So as you can see I am keeping my self busy until September. And oh by the way my house is cleaner than it has been in months....