Sunday, February 25, 2007


The Bridal shower is set for March 4th and the invites are out... the groom and I have finished all our registering. The two big things for the wedding that are left are the flowers and the license. The flowers will be ordered on Monday and we will get the license on Friday the 23rd.

My Dad's surgery is scheduled for March 16th. Yes, eight days before the wedding. I guess this means a 99.9% chance dad will not be there.

We still need to do the planning for the reception. The Groom would like to do it in April and so would I. At this late a date can we get someplace booked for April...I guess we will find out.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

I knew this... and other stuff

What Kind of Reader Are You?
Your Result: Dedicated Reader

You are always trying to find the time to get back to your book. You are convinced that the world would be a much better place if only everyone read more.

Obsessive-Compulsive Bookworm
Literate Good Citizen
Book Snob
Fad Reader
What Kind of Reader Are You?
Create Your Own Quiz

Still no word on when they are scheduling Dad's surgery. This is driving us all batty...I will post when I know more and have more time.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Just to let you all know. It is just as stressful to plan a wedding out of town as to plan a large one in town.

Dad is in town and doing well waiting to hear from the surgeon when the surgery will be scheduled. That tells me if my shower will happen when it is planned for or if we need to move it. He says about three weeks or so, I hope we find out today.

Tonight I am meeting my parents and the grooms parents for dinner. This will be the first time they meet. Our mothers did meet while dress shopping.

Speaking of dresses I still need to go to have one more fitting. And then I believe that will be all.

I have booked the wedding and the honeymoon. Still need to book a hotel for the night before. I have an appt. for my hair and make-up. I still need to do the flowers.

The parents are now coming to the wedding, so I need to get them booked into a hotel along with the best man and matron of honor. I am hopeful that we will all stay in the same hotel the night before the wedding to make life a lot simpler. Of course all those people around me the night before my wedding may make me even more insane.

Oh and during all of this, I quit smoking. Who is crazy enough to quit smoking while planning a wedding, shower and reception??? Ok, I guess I am the only one.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

We have a date!!

Last night the groom and I picked several dates that we would like for the wedding. This morning I called the chapel and we are getting our second choice...first choice is completely booked.

We will be getting married Saturday, March 24 at 1:30 in the afternoon.

Registering has also begun. This morning we finished registering at Macys. Next weekend we will be registering at Kohls.

On another subject, Dad is doing really well. He has finished the first three chemo's. He had a PET Scan on Friday and this Wednesday he has two more tests then sees the surgeon and on Thursday he sees the Oncologist.

They will be discussing surgery let's all pray that the news it good.