Tom's road to recovery
My daddy recently found out he has cancer be sure to check out his progress and send him notes of encouragement.
Random thoughts from a Kentucky girl
My daddy recently found out he has cancer be sure to check out his progress and send him notes of encouragement.
Posted by
4:29 PM
Well, I know have been away awhile again. So here goes the brief catch up...
Chicago was great! I am hoping that Mom and I will go back this spring to do the tourist thing. Awesome seminar as well.
We have hired a new employee in our department, Bryce Hudson. Bryce is an awesome designer.
Several weeks ago the man and I went to Richmond, KY. For the Daniel Boone reinactment at Fort Boonesborough. However, the reinactment was rained out. They did do a shortened version earlier and we happened to be there for that. It was very interesting.
Kaden is doing well! I will post the halloween pics of him and Zoe on my flickr soon.
My internet connection at the house is not working so I am limited to internet at work right now. Hopefully I will soon have that fixed.
I went to Columbus, IN a couple of weeks ago for a work event. I have become the membership chair for the Heartland region of APA.
Pictures of our annual pumpkin carving will be online soon as well. Neither one of us will ever win an award for carving a pumpkin. Shucks...
The big news is I will be hosting a Thanksgiving dinner on the Friday after Thanksgiving. The man's parents will not be going to Florida this year so they will be coming out to the house. I know his brother and his family will not be here but possible the man's two other brothers and their families will be joining us. I waiting to hear if Dad will make it up this year to see if he can come as well. I think it is past time for our families to meet.
Until next time!
Posted by
2:56 PM
Congrats go out to TB and family on their new addition, Adeline Browne. All are doing well. Can't wait to see pictures.
This weekend there was a new addition to the family, Logan, an 8 week old Bermese Mountain Dog. He is sooo cute. I haven't seen him in person yet. But can wait.
Last night I got home from work and got the mail. The new issue of the Paw Street Journal was in the mailbox. This is the Kentucky Humane Society magazine. The Picture of Vivian is in there again this time.
Posted by
10:27 AM
I am on the way to Chicago. Looking forward to a great day and a half... Eating, shopping and seeing places I haven't see before...yup never been to Chicago before.
And for all of those who want to know Kaden came home Friday afternoon and is doing great!!! I finally got to hold him. How sweet is that!
And for all my chocolate loving co-workers Thommy has the chocolate jar!!!! Enjoy!
Posted by
1:54 PM
Labels: On the road again
We got good news from Kadens doctor this evening. Kaden will be "cut down" or released from traction on Friday and released from the hospital on Saturday. Two days early. We were told that he would go home with the cathader (ok, I can't spell). But that is now out also. ALL VERY GOOD NEWS.
Posted by
6:39 PM
Labels: Kaden
Posted by
11:22 PM
This week since my brother became engaged wedding talk abounds in my house now as well... not my doing either, I think the man is getting the idea I think.. Maybe now that his brothers are all married and/or happy, my older sister is married and now with 2 beautiful children and my brother is engaged maybe my turn is coming up soon... we shall see...still not holding my breath..
Posted by
11:08 PM
Wow, what a week.. I am so glad it is over and we have a long weekend. I need it as I believe my co-workers do.
We have a position open on the Web team so this week we had 4 interviews in 4 days. What a time. We had some great people...
I don't want to have to go through this again...but I am sure we will some day again..
Next week is a new week and I am looking forward to it!
But before next week I get to spend some time visiting Kaden. There are new pics up check them out!
Posted by
10:58 PM
I know you have had them. The days when you can't do anything or say anything right...well I am having mine this week. It sucks!
Posted by
2:28 PM
Kaden is doing great! The feeding tube is out, all the IV's are out. He is just still hangin' in his sling (what is really baby traction). I went to the hospital on Saturday and Sunday and spent time with him. He is handling this thing like a prince!
Other family news my brother Barrett got engaged this weekend. I have to say Angela is great! She will make a great balance for him. He proposed with a pug puppy in his arms that she didn't know about but had already named Ralphie.
Looking forward to seeing most of my family at dinner tonight at birthday/engagement celebration. Sunday was also Barrett's 30th birthday!
Posted by
10:27 AM
On Friday August 18, 2006 Kaden Sean was born at 2:34 p.m. at Suburban Hospital in Louisville.
Shortly after the birth Kaden was taken to Kosair Hospital in Louisville by a wonderful team of paramedics. They drive a vehicle made to transport infants that was donated by the WHAS Crusade for Children.
Paige was transferred by normal ambulance a while later to Norton Hospital so that she would be able to see and visit Kaden.
On Sunday morning Kaden has surgery for what is called extrophy of the bladder. Which means in short that his bladder formed outside the body.
Kaden will now be in traction in the NICU for 3 weeks. Ask me if you want to know more about is just too much to write about.
If you want to see pictures of this adorble little champ check out his Web site!
Posted by
9:54 PM
Ok, so life has been very busy. Here it is in a short list:
Ok, so that brings us up to date. I have to really get the house cleaned up this weekend and the laundry done because guess what everyone...I leave for a short trip this week again!!! I leave Wednesday afternoon for Nashville TN and will return on Sunday. And yes I have so much to do that the laptop is coming with me. Becky also has work to do so she will need my laptop as well.
I look forward to life getting back to normal...maybe that will happen after the baby (not mine...see the next previous post) is born.
Posted by
3:41 PM
This past weekend WLKY-32 had their first shot at the exclusive coverage of Thunder Over Louisville. This event is the kick-off to the Kentucky Derby Festival.
My first disappointment came when the anchors seems to not have come prepared at all. Several times during the coverage there was dead space in the talking between the anchors. The anchors would then turn to each other and stare. This would have been forgivable a couple of times during the coverage except this happened 10+ times.
The second disappointment was that there was very little color of the program. My guess is the conversion from HD to a regular or non-HD television makes the colors fade. When the commercials (and there wer a lot of commercials) came on the color was great but for the air show and the fireworks the color was extremely faded. This came out so much during the fireworks when you could barely (if at times not at all) see the colors.
My third and final disappoint came from the apparent lack of training of the camera people. Who told the camera men and women that zooming in on fireworks was a good idea? At times all you were able to see was a glowing yellow/orange ball in the center of your screen. We lost all ability to discern the magic that Zambelli had created for the viewers in person and on television. There was also one camera that never had a clear view of the fireworks show and the director continued to call up that shot several times and all we (the viewers at home) were able to see were the gurders of the bridge.
This is my personal thanks to KDF and all the people involved in creating and pulling off an event that was once again marvelous! And also to the person who created the soundtrack for the fireworks show. Thank you! for including the theme song to T Bar V from the family of "Cactus" Tom Brooks.
Posted by
2:40 PM
So I know I have ignored my blog and my flickr accounts since the first of the year... I am going to really make an effort for that not to happen again.
I think the winter blahs have set in.. Not enough sun, too cold, want to sleep but have to go here no, I have to go there.... It has just been a crazy 2006 so far.
I took Vivian to an obiedence class, we graduated Wednesday night you can see the pic in my flickr account. We now have one week off of no class then we start the "Tricks for Treats" class. This class will also last for 6 weeks. Then when this one is over I am hoping that before the fall there will be another Agility class. Vivian would be awesome doing agility. And it would let her use all that puppy energy.
That is all for now except one question...Is it sunny and 75 yet???
Posted by
10:32 AM