Thursday, September 29, 2005

Did someone say rocket science?

New Orleans little more than one month later Mayor Ray Nagin is opening the city. The Louisiana Health Department says it is not safe to come back yet. Illness can spread rampantly in this environment. The citizens wanting to return home to New Orleans only to be handed a letter saying, yes you may reenter, but, at your own risk. There is no 911 service, no hospital fully functional, bacteria, mold, no traffic lights, no stop signs, car accidents are on the rise, very little medical help if you need it.

I have been to New Orleans it is a great town! I want to see it rise again. Just not at the risk of American citizens.

Let the city get cleaned up, let them restore power and traffic lights, let them remove debris from the roadway, let them get all the water pumped out of the city once again, let them get the sewer system functional, let them get the water to a safe and drinkable level, in other words, lets stay away a little while longer and let as much work that can be done be done quickly as possible.

It will be easier and go much quicker if citizens are not in the way when polls are being replaced and roads are being cleaned or repaired.

Monday, September 26, 2005

News of the Strange

This is just something you don't see every day...

Deputy fired for having two wives, second wife has two husbands

Friday, September 23, 2005

Strange Days

Things this week have been stange. I am not feeling well. The doctors only idea is that I have some sort of virus. They did an EKG and took some answers yet.

Finding out all kinds of good gossip about a former co-working..Can't wait to hear more on that.

Another large and damaging hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico (Rita). Will it hit Texas or Louisiana.

My prayers are with everyone along the Gulf coast.

Thursday, September 15, 2005


Loss of a loved one is hard for a family. Today I got the call that my sister who is two month pregnant went for her regular check up and when they listened to the heart beat there was not one. My sister who has one beautiful daughter who is now 8 was trying again, yes, I said again for a second child. This is the second baby to die before he or she was born. Eli (my sisters second baby) died in her second trimester. This baby died at 7 weeks. I didn't know this baby or what this baby may have grown to be, but he or she will be missed all the same.
May God go with you.

New Book

On Monday I did a little grocery shopping at Kroger and decided to look at the books to see if there was anything new I wanted to read. Well I picked up three new books. It is now Thursday and I have finished two of them and just started the third. The third is a book called Payback by Fern Michaels.

I read the prologue then started on chapter one, here is a little snippet:

"Alexis Thorn frowned as she looked around her small apartment. There was nothing about the tiny place to suggest permanency of any kind. There were no knickknacks, no green plants, no family pictures. It was a place to sleep, a place to come home to at the end of the day, nothing more. How could it be anything else when her name wasn't even Alexis Thorn? Alexis Thorn was an alias."

Now this does hit a little close to home these days...Do I really want to read a book right now with a story line that might or might not be really close to a reality I and others have recently lived through due to anothers faked identity?

You tell me...

Monday, September 12, 2005

trying times

These past two weeks for the United States of America have been very trying. We have seen massive damage due to Hurricane Katrina. People being displaced from their homes and livelyhoods. People have lost their lives and loved ones. On the heals of Katrina comes Ophilia possibly hitting the east coast of the United States. Then comes the fourth anniversary of September 11, 2001. Marked with moments of silence, across this country, many news shows for all to watch to remember and relive their thoughts and feelings of that day. Today, we have a power outage in California. California citizens being interviewed by reporters talking about how bad the outage is not having air conditioning. I would like to remind those in California that no power or air conditioning for a few hours is not something to be complained about. Just remember the people in Florida, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana. Many of whom have no electricity and have been without for two weeks now, many of whom no longer have no homes or jobs to return to. They have been sent indiscrimately to some state in this country and start their lives over again.
Remember the victims of these tradigies before you complain about some small inconveniences in your lives. Be happy that you have conveniences when you have them. Don't complain about the small stuff. You still have your home, your neighbors and your family alive and intact.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Blame for Katrina

Who is to blame for Katrina...only Mother Nature is to blame.

I have been watching alot of news lately and everyone from the President down wants to know why it has taken no long for relief supplies to get to the needed areas that were devistated by Katrina.

The one thing that keeps going through my mind about that is...we are looking at the largest area of national disaster ever. Should we have foreseen the levee's breaking in N.O. maybe. Should we have foreseen the levee's breaking in so many places flooding the entire city...doubtful. I know for hundreds of thousands of people someone needs to be blamed. But the way I look at it. America is doing a wonderful job helping their own at this point! Let's not point fingers, lets give a helping hand!

That's all folks!