New Orleans little more than one month later Mayor Ray Nagin is opening the city. The Louisiana Health Department says it is not safe to come back yet. Illness can spread rampantly in this environment. The citizens wanting to return home to New Orleans only to be handed a letter saying, yes you may reenter, but, at your own risk. There is no 911 service, no hospital fully functional, bacteria, mold, no traffic lights, no stop signs, car accidents are on the rise, very little medical help if you need it.
I have been to New Orleans it is a great town! I want to see it rise again. Just not at the risk of American citizens.
Let the city get cleaned up, let them restore power and traffic lights, let them remove debris from the roadway, let them get all the water pumped out of the city once again, let them get the sewer system functional, let them get the water to a safe and drinkable level, in other words, lets stay away a little while longer and let as much work that can be done be done quickly as possible.
It will be easier and go much quicker if citizens are not in the way when polls are being replaced and roads are being cleaned or repaired.